It’s hard to believe, school is ready to start in just one week! I’m putting the finishing touches on a couple of things just in time for back to school. I was able to finish a new comprehensible input lesson today, this one is a French food lesson plan. It talks about baguettes, pain au chocolat, quiche, escargots, salad, pizza and mousse au chocolat. Lots of repetition in this one for maximum comprehension! It includes a PowerPoint, a text version of the PowerPoint with vocabulary list, comprehension questions, story retell sheets and an explanation of the word “on” – and, of course, a full answer key! You can find the lesson here.

French food lesson plans – other CI lessons
If you like this French food lesson plan, you might be interested in some other CI lesson plans that are available here on Frenchified. Each lesson plan has a reading and comprehension questions, story retell activity, answer key and a PowerPoint to accompany the lesson. Some of these lessons are very simple and suitable for first year classes while others are a little more advanced and would be better for second year. All are topics that (hopefully!) your students will find interesting. If you like them all, you can get them in bundles – bundle #1 and bundle #2.
The Eiffel Tower – the history of the famous tower
Versailles – the history of the palace
Vincent Van Gogh – who was Van Gogh, and why is his work so beloved?
La Mode – how fashion developed in France
The Loire Valley – the castles of the Loire Valley
Le Nouvel An – how do French people celebrate the New Year?
La Martinique – a visit to the island department
Francophone Africa – learn about several French-speaking countries in Africa
D-Day – the history of the day
Notre Dame – a brief history of the cathedral
Joan of Arc – who was Joan and what is her role in history?
Le Lycée – how are French high schools similar to US/Canadian schools? How are they different?
Lafayette – Who was he, and what was his role in the US revolution?
Thomas Pesquet – a really gifted astronaut who has many talents
The Eiffel Tower French Comprehensible Input lesson$4.00
La Mode French Comprehensible Input Lesson$4.00
Loire Valley French Comprehensible Input Lesson$4.00
Le Nouvel An French comprehensible input lesson plan$4.00
Francophone Africa French Comprehensible Input Lesson$4.00
D-Day French Comprehensible Input Lesson$4.00
Notre Dame French Comprehensible Input Lesson$4.00
Le lycée French Comprehensible Input Lesson$4.00
La Ville de Paris French Comprehensible Input Lesson$4.00