Category Archives: Teaching

Manie Musicale 2024 – 16 great French songs = fun!

Manie Musicale offers an engaging way to immerse students in French culture and language, inspired [...]

Using music in French class – exciting Manie Musicale and Eurovision contests are coming soon!

Do you use music in French class on a regular basis? This is one thing [...]

Digital escape rooms with Boom cards

I’ve made many digital escape room games for a variety of subjects – history, French, [...]

Cheerful French Christmas lesson plans

This time of year is so busy at schools, with many teachers looking for French [...]

5 things I’m thankful for (and 3 things I’m not)

It’s the time of year when people in America think about what they are thankful [...]

Using French Extra in second year French – an easy way to get your students listening

Do you currently use French Extra in your courses? If not, you may be really [...]