This French nonfiction bundle 1 contains 6 French comprehensible input lessons in very simple French – lessons you can do as early as first semester.
Each lesson consists of a PowerPoint and printable activities. Start with the PowerPoint and use it as a means to get lots of repetition. As you read each slide, you can ask questions, so the students hear the vocabulary and structures many times. Once they are comfortable with the story and have heard it and asked questions about it, the activities can serve to reinforce the new language.
Each topic has a set of target structures that are used to teach about a nonfiction topic. Students will learn about the topic while getting lots of comprehensible input. You can circle the information and add more details as you like, so that students get plenty of opportunity to hear and acquire the structures and vocabulary.
Here is a quick list of the target structures for each lesson in French Nonfiction Bundle 1:
La Ville de Paris: (ils/elles) habitent, il y a, beaucoup de, s’appelle
Lafayette: est un soldat, se battre (se bat/se battent), contre, pour
Thomas Pesquet: il quitte la terre, pendant le voyage, il fait, dans l’espace
French Food: On mange, se prépare, est délicieux/délicieuse, Le dîner, le petit déjeuner, le déjeuner
Le Lycée: il aime/il n’aime pas, est/n’est pas, la classe de, intéressant
The TGV: va très vite, entre, on peut acheter, il faut
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