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About Frenchified
Frenchified creates lessons and resources for French and other language teachers so they can teach language through comprehensible input without spending hours planning each day.

Hi! I’m Heather, the owner of Frenchified. I started making materials for other French teachers to use in their classrooms about 10 years ago. I have 30 years of experience teaching French and I enjoy sharing my expertise with other Francophile teachers around the world. I have seen many teaching methods come and go, but the one I like the most is comprehensible input. There are so many interesting things to learn about and talk about with our students, why limit yourself to what is offered in a textbook?
Along the way I also developed some lesson plans for other languages – Russian, Spanish, Italian, German and English. I enjoy learning new languages and as a certified Russian teacher, I remember how lonely it is – and how there are so few resources available for the less-commonly taught languages.
Welcome to the site – take a look around at the blog and the store, and if you’re looking for something in particular and can’t find it please drop me a message below. Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter so you can stay current on all the newest things.