This is a French Food Comprehensible Input Lessonthat uses target structures in a comprehensible way to teach about a nonfiction topic – French food. The text is simple enough for first semester French.
The target structures are:
- On mange – one eats, people eat
- Se prépare – is prepared
- Est délicieux/délicieuse – is delicious
- Le dîner, le petit déjeuner, le déjeuner – dinner, breakfast, lunch
This French Food Comprehensible input lesson includes:
- A 37-slide PowerPoint with repetition of the target vocabulary
- a text version of the PowerPoint
- comprehension questions
- a grammar explanation and exercises for the pronoun “on”
- a story retell sheet with photos – one for writing, one for oral retell
- a list of associated videos
- a complete answer key
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