Complete French Comprehensible input units

French comprehensible input units

So I’ve been really busy this summer and I’m very excited about some new items in my TPT store – French Comprehensible Input units for teachers who want to brdige the gap between a textbook curriculum and CI. Before making these units, I asked myself what could I do to help more teachers get into CI.  I realized that there are few reasons why teachers don’t try it, or they try it and then abandon it:

Why some teachers don’t use French Comprehensible input

1. They are tied to a district textbook, which guides the curriculum.  So no matter how interesting that cool unit they saw online looks, they absolutely MUST teach certain vocabulary in order to be ready for the district test.

2. They are used to teaching with a textbook and ancillaries, and going away from that without anything to replace it can be scary. 

We’ve all been there – Monday morning, we’re supposed to do something cool and fun and CI, but we just don’t have the energy. We don’t need much, but we do need a little something to help us get the lesson going. These are pretty big problems, and they are also very common ones.  So I decided to spend my summer making resource to help  these teachers out.  In the end I finished with 5 units that match the first year curriculum for many of the most commonly used textbooks. 

Your textbook may go in a different order, or may have slightly different vocabulary – but for the most part, first year classes are going to talk about the themes in these units. Each of these French comprehensible input units includes a PowerPoint, student handouts, a unit story, an animated video of the story, and assessments for all 5 skills. 

While there are daily lesson plans – and I give the length assuming that you’ll spend one day on each lesson – I would personally not finish them that quickly.  If you take a 10-day unit, I would mix it in with fun things that come up, games, class stories, lots of PQA, etc.  That 10 day unit would more likely take me 3-4 weeks when all is said and done. The units so far include:

I do plan on making more units, but it will be a little slower going now that school is starting up again.    

Update June 2022: There are now a full 8 units in level 1 and 7 units in level 2. You can find them on the TPT store, but here is a link to the bundles right here on Frenchified.

Complete French Comprehensible input units
Complete French Comprehensible input units
Complete French Comprehensible input units
Complete French Comprehensible input units

Level 1 French comprehensible input units

Level 2 French comprehensible input units

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