Vandertramp verbs French Passé Composé digital game


This game is to help students practice identifying the verbs that use être in the passé composé as well as which form of the past participle to use.

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Are your students having difficulty with the Vandertramp verbs French passé composé conjugations? This game is to help students practice identifying the verbs that use être in the passé composé as well as which form of the past participle to use.

There are several question types – some that are as simple as identifying whether or not a verb uses être as the helping verb, some that are questions about the past participle of the irregular verbs, and others that require students to find the correct form of the past participle based on gender/number.

Includes a Google drive and Powerpoint version of the game. Share with students as an individual assignment to practice Vandertramp verbs or work through the activity as a class on a smartboard.

Vandertramp verbs are some of the trickiest things for students to master.  If you are looking for more ideas to reinforce them, you may also be interested in the digital escape game Prisonnier à la Bastille or the hidden pictures game for the passé composé.

Vandertramp verbs
Vandertramp verbs French Passé Composé digital game
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