French grammar lesson – the passé composé with avoir


Are you a French teacher looking for a comprehensive tool to help your students learn the passé composé with avoir? We’ve got you covered! Our French grammar lesson on the passé composé with avoir is designed to provide an informative, helpful guide to teaching this material.

Are you a French teacher looking for a comprehensive tool to help your students learn the passé composé with avoir? We’ve got you covered! Our French grammar lesson on the passé composé with avoir is designed to provide an informative, helpful guide to teaching this material.
With our French grammar lesson, you’ll be able to take your students through a clear and concise PowerPoint presentation plus handouts where they can take down notes as they progress. Additionally, examples are provided in context with a short reading passage about the valiant Rangers who landed at Pointe du Hoc on D-Day. Furthermore, the lesson includes details about forming the passé composé and when it should be used correctly.
This guide is sure to be more helpful than most textbooks, as it will give your students plenty of examples and practice activities that build from basic concepts. So if you need an engaging way to teach the passé composé with avoir for your French class, check out our complete French grammar lesson today!

Many textbooks do not include enough examples of the passé composé, or they don’t show the passé composé used in use in any meaningful way. This French grammar lesson plan will guide your students by introducing the most basic concept then building on it with examples and practice activities.  Students are then challenged to “level up” by using the passé composé to write about a vacation to Rome.

This item includes:

  • Printable pdf handouts for students –
  • explanation of how to form the passé composé with avoir
  • Practice activity for forming the passé composé with avoir
  • Practice activity for irregular past participles
  • “Level Up” activity – complete paragraphs about different people by changing the verb forms
  • Reading activity about the role of the Rangers on D-Day and the Pointe du Hoc landing
  • Answer key
  • PowerPoint that includes explanation of the grammar on the printables and the reading passage

passé composé with avoir
French grammar lesson – the passé composé with avoir