7 simple ideas for celebrating la Saint Valentin

la Saint Valentin in French class

La Saint Valentin is a holiday that is celebrated in many countries around the world, and it is a great opportunity to bring a little bit of fun and romance into your French class. France is known for being a romantic country and Paris is one of the most romantic cities in the world, so there are plenty of ways to celebrate! Even if your students aren’t in romantic relationships yet, it can still be fun to learn the vocabulary for the holiday – who doesn’t like chocolate?

la Saint Valentin – 7 ideas for celebrating

  1. Play Valentine’s Day-themed speaking games: There are many fun games that you can play in your French class to celebrate Valentine’s Day. For example, you could play “Je t’aime, moi non plus” (I love you, I don’t), where students take turns saying “Je t’aime” (I love you) to one another, but each time someone says it, the next person must say “moi non plus” (not me). This is a fun way to practice using the French phrases for “I love you” and “not me” in a playful and interactive way. You can also teach your students about the French version of “he loves me, he loves me not.”
  2. Exchange Valentine’s Day cards: Encourage your students to bring in Valentine’s Day cards that they have made or purchased to give to their classmates. This is a great way to get your students practicing their writing skills and showing their affection for one another in French. It’s also a great way to learn some French terms of endearment!
  3. Have a Valentine’s Day-themed lesson: Use Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to teach your students about the holiday and its traditions in France. You could discuss the history of Valentine’s Day, talk about how it is celebrated in France, and even share some French love songs and poetry. If you don’t have the time to put together a complete lesson, you might consider doing the Saint Valentin digital escape game – no prep and lots of fun!
  4. Organize a Valentine’s Day party: Consider hosting a Valentine’s Day party in your French class. You could decorate the classroom with red and pink streamers and balloons, play some French love songs, and serve some French treats like croissants or macarons. This is a fun and festive way to celebrate the holiday and bring a little bit of French culture into your classroom.
  5. Do a Saint Valentin themed writing activity: Encourage your students to express their love and affection for one another in writing. You could have them write letters, poems, or even create Valentine’s Day cards in French. This is a great way to get your students practicing their writing skills and expressing their feelings in a creative and meaningful way.
  6. Read a short story about the holiday. In this story, Cupid needs glasses – can Marc and Lola help him fix his aim so that his arrows hit the right targets?
  7. Practice or learn vocabulary for la Saint Valentin with a no-prep digital game. This one will allow you to work through the words together or individually. You can also play gimkit or blooket with holiday words.

No matter how you choose to celebrate la Saint Valentin in your French class, the important thing is to have fun and make the most of this special holiday. Whether you play games, exchange cards, or have a party, there are many ways to bring a little bit of romance and joy into your French class. So why not try out one of these ideas and see how your students respond? You might just be surprised at how much they enjoy celebrating la Saint Valentin in French.

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