This French Food and cooking activity Google drive activity includes a set of vocabulary pages and a set of activities for your students to do on their Google drive or OneNote accounts – no copying, no papers!
The vocabulary set includes 23 slides of different foods. Some of them are French specialties such as ratatouille, mousse, crêpes and more. There is also a slide of fruits, a slide of vegetables, and a slide with table settings vocabulary. Students can go back and refer to the vocabulary in this set as they do activities, or you can use it as a launching point for a presentation about French cuisines.
The French food and cooking activity set includes 20 slides of readings and activities. These include:
• an article about fast food and everyday food (in English and French versions)
• an article about haute cuisine (in English and French versions)
• a single page article about how to read a French menu (in English)
• an activity on fast food in France
• an activity on finding a restaurant in France
• an activity on making a menu in French with rubric
• an activity on reading a recipe in French
• a vocabulary matching activity
• an activity on grocery shopping in France
• an activity on reading a French menu
• a matching activity on buying food in specialty shops
• an activity on reading online restaurant reviews
• a page of related links/activities