Category Archives: TPT products
New French Halloween game with 5 fun tasks!
This French Halloween game was something new for me – the first digital escape game [...]
12 Fun Story lessons for French Comprehensible Input
When doing comprehensible input story lessons, there are three important things that go into every [...]
The Super 7 – can you tell any story with these?
If you’ve been around the CI world at all, you’ve probably heard of the Super [...]
French sub plans – 5 ways to avoid chaos when you’re out
One of the biggest problems with taking a day off is coming up with French [...]
300 French signs – an authentic and fun resource
When I went to France this summer, I had a specific goal in mind – [...]
Boom cards in the world language classroom
Have you ever used Boom cards? They are quite popular with elementary school teachers, but [...]