Category Archives: Teaching
Using superheroes to teach French – 4 easy ways to get your students involved
Superheroes are a big thing today. Our students love to watch the latest Marvel or [...]
Advice on using online translators in French class
Students using online translators in a world language class can be a difficult topic – [...]
Slow processors in a language class
In our work as teachers, we will have slow processors in our classes – along [...]
5 French YouTubers your students (and you) will love
Why should you – and your students – watch French YouTubers? When learning a language, [...]
Back to school planning for French teachers
This next week it’s time to go back to school – where did the summer [...]
Imparfait vs Passe compose – practical ideas for teaching it
Teaching the imparfait vs passe compose is always a little bit challenging, because most of [...]