Can be used with different levels of French learners.

Spark class discussion – simple or complex

Expand student vocabulary

These no-prep Tu Préfères graphics can be used in a variety of ways!

What’s included?

190 jpg “tu préfères” graphics that can be shared digitally however you like – on a smartboard, in a digital classroom, in Desmos.  You can even print them if you wish to use them on a paper and pencil type assignment.

There is a variety of topics – some have very simple, common vocabulary and cognates while others will be new to your students.  In all cases, the photo makes it clear what the two choices are.

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tu preferes

How to use the “Tu préfères” graphics with different levels

Level 1 – from the beginning, you can have them just choose between option A and option B. Get lots of comprehensible input by having a class discussion about who prefers what. Later on, have them write complete sentences starting with “je préfère.”

Level 2 – have students start to add more detail to their responses. Tell them to include details – where, when, with whom. Have them write more complex sentences explaining why they prefer something.

Level 3 – have students make their choice and then talk about the last time they ______. Or, give students a hypothetical situation and then have them choose – practice using the imparfait and conditional!  

Level 4 – Use the subjunctive and have students argue why it’s important/better/necessary that their classmates choose a particular option and why.

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How to purchase the Tu préfères graphics

You can purchase the graphics on the shop or the Frenchified Teachers pay Teachers shop.

Need to use a purchase order?  Contact us for information on how to do this.