Dia de los muertos escape game

Dia de los Muertos escape

I don’t do a ton of stuff in Spanish, but since I’ve got a Cinco de Mayo escape game, I thought I should do a Dia de los Muertos escape game as well! It’s fun to create these, and it makes me a little jealous that the big French holidays aren’t during the school year. I guess we could celebrate Chandeleur, but what’s to do other than make crepes (and that would be WAY more fun than a breakout, honestly!). Anyway, the breakout deals with the ofrendas, pain de muerto, marigolds, the history of the holiday, all the fun stuff. It’s available here.

Update June 2022: Well, it turns out that there are so many different fun things that can be done with escape games! In addition to the Dia de los muertos escape game, I’ve added games for French and Spanish to celebrate a wide variety of holidays. I’ve also got a lot of games focused on the geography and history of places in the French and Spanish speaking world.

Dia de los muertos escape game

What’s included in the Dia de los muertos escape game?

Each Dia de los muertos escape game includes a teachers’ guide with all of the answers and instructions on how to play the game. You will also receive the URL to the game, which is what you will share with your students. Since you have the answers going into the game, you can use this to differentiate for a variety of circumstances.

Most games take about an hour or so to do – but if you have a shorter period of time, you can give the students the answer to one of the codes so they only have to find the remaining ones. If you have students who are a bit slower, you can give them hints as to what they’re looking for.

Please note that if you are playing the Dia de los muertos escape game – or any other holiday-themed escape game, you should always check before using the game to be sure that you have the most updated version of the game. Some games change each year as the websites used for the clues update their sites. Also, if you are playing a holiday game, be aware that some of the sites can get overloaded on these dates.

These games can be quite challenging for students, but they are a lot of fun and requires students to really think and read carefully.

Here are some of the games you can find on the Frenchified store:

Spanish Games

El Dia de San Valentin



La Navidad

Dia de los Muertos

Cinco de Mayo

The Spanish-Speaking World

French Games


La Recette perdue

Save Notre-Dame!

Mont Saint Micehl

Le trésor de Chambord



Trouvez l’Espion


Le Cinq Mai

The French-Speaking world

Le Saint Valentin


La Toussain

Perdu au Louvre

Prisoner in the Bastille

Mbappé is missing

French Holidays

Loire valley chateaux

Cathedrals of France



Mardi Gras

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